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 Executive Committee

Chair - Lori Young (Crayola)
The Executive Committee is comprised of Board Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Immediate Past Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and President. Provides oversight of the various standing committees and acts on behalf of the Board when needed.

 Education & Wellness Committee

Chair -  Jeannine O'Callaghan (C.F. Martin & Co.)
Develops and plans a schedule of Roundtable luncheons and other events for the membership for the year. Responsible for identifying resources available for these sessions in conjunction with committee members as well as other non-business Coalition members.  Plans and coordinates wellness activities for the Coalition on an ad hoc basis including scheduling wellness forums. Also serves as a resource for member companies, who are in various stages of offering wellness programs.

 Health Care Purchasing Committee

Chair - Juliet  Vestal (B Braun Medical Inc.)
Plans and oversees the process of contracting with partner organizations. Initiates RFP process when needed, reviews responses and makes recommendations to the Board on selections. Annually reviews all partner relationships and recommends any revisions; compares the market to our arrangements; and recommends to the Board further actions when needed. Establishes sub-committees, as needed, to oversee specific partner arrangements.

 Membership & Communications Committee

Chair - Jack Gross (Gross McGinley, LLC)
Focuses on targeting prospective members and retaining current members. Responsible for getting the Coalition's message out to current members, prospective members, and others regarding value of Coalition programs and activities through press releases, promotional materials, website updates, member newsletters, etc. 

 Quality Initiatives Committee

Chair - Kristen Wenrich (City of Bethlehem)
Reviews the efforts being made in other areas of the Commonwealth and the Nation, to bring together local purchasers, providers and insurers to work together, using available data to improve the quality of health care in the Valley. A new assignment is the Leapfrog Group's Regional Roll-Out program.